Harris CareTracker provides you the tools to continue making your experience with us a success. Our self-directed training options allow you to access our Learning Management System, with the ability to search our database to locate documents on any topic of your choosing. Recorded trainings from our Professional Service team are also available to train the viewer on all facets of Harris CareTracker products, or as a tool to refresh your knowledge.
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Sure our product is amazingly affordable, user-friendly, and easy to learn, but what is most amazing is that despite costing so much less than other EHRs, in study after study Amazing Charts is consistently rated as being the best.
We encourage you to review the data for yourself, and then ask each vendor you are considering why they charge so much more yet score so much less when their users are surveyed.
Please note that the reporting of these product reviews does not constitute an endorsement by the study publishers or authors. Product and company names may be trademarked and are the property of their respective owners.
Medscape EHR Report 2016: Physicians Rate Top EHRs, August 2016
#1 EHR for Ease of Use • #1 EHR for Satisfaction
MReal-time Ratings Snapshot, September 2016
Overall rating of 91